Compare features
and find the plan that
fits the best for you
Before proceeding, we recommend you analyse this table where you will find all the available features within the different plans. Find the plans that suits your needs in the best way.
Plans comparison
Distribution Features
Unlimited audio distribution
ISRCs: use your own or we'll provide
New artist profile creation on DSPs
Unlimited distribution in all territories
Monthly payment for streaming revenue
Support lyric uploads
Timed releases
Takedown protection
Customer support (working days 9am-6pm)
Keep 100% streaming royalties
YouTube Content ID
Custom Release Date
Premium Distribution Features
Spotify Canvas administration
Spotify Verified Checkmark
Distribute Dolby Atmos
Video Distribution
(Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal)
(Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal)
Official VEVO channel
Expand Your Fanbase
Marketing Smartlinks
Fan Email Collection
Spotify Promo Cards
Lyrics Synchronization
Playlist Pitching on Spotify
Playlist Pitching on other DSPs (Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon)
Playlist Pitching on independent playlists
Expand Your Business
Access to Musicraft social advertising platform
Playitime & Preview according own choice
Apple Music Motion Art
YouTube Shorts Track Previews
Social Media Verification
(FB, IG, Snapchat, TikTok) - no guarantee
(FB, IG, Snapchat, TikTok) - no guarantee
Bandsintown event management