Terms and Conditions - Recurring Payments

After submitting the form, the system redirects the User to the next page according to theselected payment method. The payment is successfully completed by displaying the confirmationmessage and sending it by email. In case of unsuccessful payment, the User is informed by amessage displayed on the payment page and sent by email.The payment methods are connected to the payment gateway of GOPAY s.r.o., which providestechnology for secure processing of online payments. Payment card numbers, credit cardnumbers and e-banking passwords are entered through an encrypted channel of GOPAY s.r.o.GoPay handles payment card data according to the international PCI-DSS Level 1 securitystandard (this is the highest level of data security in the payment card processing sector).

Recurring Payment - ANNUAL - 365 DAYS

If the subject of the purchase is an 'ESSENTIAL' or 'EXPANDABLE' annual plan, the Provideruses automatic recurring payments by card to pay the fee. By completing the sales form, the Useragrees to pay a recurring annual fixed fee in the amount clearly and conspicuously stated in theOrder (maximum USD $199 per year) for the duration of the plan. By completing the Sales Form,the User agrees that the fee (in the amount clearly stated in advance) which is the first paymentmade will be charged to the User's credit card. The User also consents to additional chargesbeing automatically billed to the User's credit card every 365 days for the duration of the Plan.The first charge (in the amount clearly stated in advance) shall be charged to the User's creditcard. Additional fees are automatically billed every 365 days during the term of the User's plan.

Notification of automatic payment

In the event that an order is subject to recurring payment, the User is always clearly informed onthe product sales page of the amount of the recurring annual fee as well as the way in which theplan can be terminated in the call to stop the recurring payment charges. In the event that theUser completes an order that includes recurring payment, the Provider will send the User aconfirmation of the recurring payment setup within two working days of the first payment via theemail specified in the order. At the same time, always 30 days prior to the automatic billing of thefee, the User is notified of this fact by e-mail to the address provided in the order, together withclear instructions on how the User can cancel the recurring payments.

Termination of plan and cancellation of automatic payment

The "ESSENTIAL" and "EXPANDABLE" plans may be terminated by the User at any time bycontacting Customer Support at orders@musicraft.eu. Upon termination of the plan, the recurringpayment is cancelled and the annual fee will no longer be charged. By terminating the plan, theUser accepts that his/her complete catalogue distributed by the MUSICRAFT service will bewithdrawn from distribution within 30 days after the expiry of the annual fee paid in the case of the"ESSENTIAL" plan and 60 days after the expiry of the annual fee paid in the case of the"EXPANDABLE" plan.


These terms and conditions come into force on 1.12.2024. Information is communicated via thewebsite https://www.musicraft.eu or other information channels, usually by email. The Sellerreserves the right to change these terms and conditions. Each new version of the Terms andConditions is available on the website https://www.musicraft.eu and is marked with the effectivedate. If any provision of these T&C is or becomes invalid or ineffective, the invalid or ineffectiveprovision shall be replaced by a provision whose meaning is as close as possible to the invalid orineffective provision. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of a provision of the GC shall not affect thevalidity and effectiveness of the other provisions of the GC. Great Vizier Entertainment s.r.o.reserves the right to unilaterally change these terms and conditions. For the User, the text of theTerms and Conditions in force on the date of the Order shall apply